Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get involved?

Visit the "Breaks" page from the side menu, here you will find all current breaks available for purchase.

Once all the teams are sold, we'll get straight to the break!

How can I watch the break live?

To watch the stream of your chosen break follow our Instagram account @wotapull.

The community is notified when a break is about to go live through both Facebook and Instagram.

Replays are available on Instagram shortly after the live stream has ended.

How do I get my cards?

Cards are stored safely and securely for everyone who purchases a break spot.

Cards can be shipped on request by choosing the appropriate option at the link below.


*Cards valued at $100.00AUD or more

How long can cards be held for?

Cards can be held for 180 days from break date. We'll reach out to you to let you know when shipping is due. Be sure to supply the correct details when checking out.

If you need your goods held for extended periods please contact us below.

Get in Touch

How do I stay in the know?

Be sure to follow our social pages where you can stay up to date with all things Wotapull!
